Micro Credential of Université Libérale de Paris

Clauses of Use

France Micro Credential

These agreements, which govern all claims made against France Micro-Credential and Université Libérale de Paris, include an arbitration clause and a waiver of class actions. As these provisions impact your legal rights, please review them carefully. If the laws of your country render the arbitration agreement and class action waiver unenforceable, they will not apply.

General information

The France Micro-Credential (microcredential.ch) offers products and services provided by Université Libérale de Paris, its subsidiaries, and international branches, including all associated members (collectively, "France Micro-Credential," "microcredential.ch," "Université Libérale de Paris," "us," "we," or "our"). These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern your use of our website, apps, and other products and services ("Services"). Some of our Services may involve software downloaded to your computer, phone, tablet, or other device, and by agreeing to these Terms, you consent to automatic updates of such software. Please read these Terms carefully, and contact us with any questions, requests for information, or complaints. By clicking "I accept" (or for those without an account, by using our Services), you agree to be bound by these Terms, including any referenced policies. By using our Services, you confirm your agreement to these Terms.

Who may study with us

You are only permitted to use our Services and study with us in accordance with these Terms and all applicable legal requirements if you have the legal authority to bind France Micro-Credential. When creating or being issued a France Micro-Credential account, you must provide accurate and complete information, and you agree to update your details as needed to keep them current. Anyone under the age of 13 is not permitted to use or access any Content Offerings, and certain geographic regions and Content Offerings may have additional criteria and/or restrictions.

Our License to You

We grant you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use our Services, subject to these Terms and our policies (including course-specific eligibility requirements and other terms). Unless you have our explicit permission, you may only download content from our Services for your own non-commercial use. You also agree to create, access, and use only one user account unless specifically authorized by France Micro-Credential, and you will not share your account or login details with anyone else. Using our Services does not grant you any ownership or intellectual property rights in the Services or the content you access.

Changes to the Content Available

France Micro-Credential offers lessons and content from Université Libérale de Paris, partner universities, and other providers (collectively, "Content Offerings") ("Content Providers"). While we aim to provide high-quality content from our Content Providers, unforeseen circumstances may occasionally arise. France Micro-Credential reserves the right to modify any Content Offerings, including the point value or weight of any Assignment, Quiz, or other Assessment, either independently or in accordance with the requirements of the Content Provider. The sections on disclaimers and limitations of liability below apply to all Content Offerings.

Academic Credit

Université Libérale de Paris and our partners recognize academic credit, but academic credit is not awarded by France Micro-Credential for completing Content Offerings. Academic credit is only granted if specifically stated by a credit-granting institution. There is no guarantee that other institutions will accept the credit, even if it is awarded by one institution. You agree not to claim credit for completing a Content Offering until you have received a course certificate or another form of proof confirming successful completion. France Micro-Credential, instructors, and associated Content Providers are not required to have their Content Offerings accredited by any accrediting body or educational institution.

Disclaimer of Student-Content Provider Relationship

Nothing in these Terms or elsewhere regarding your participation in any Content Offerings by Content Providers: (a) creates a relationship between you and any Content Provider; (b) enrolls or registers you in any Content Provider institution or in any Content Offering offered by any Content Provider institution; or (c) grants you access to any Content Provider institution's resources.

User Content

You can share your content (referred to as "User Content") with France Micro-Credential, instructors, and/or other users through the Services, including projects, homework, quizzes, exams, and other submitted assignments. You retain full ownership and responsibility for the User Content you create and distribute. Course content and other materials provided on the France Micro-Credential platform by or on behalf of Content Providers or their instructors via the Services or Content Offerings are not considered User Content. Such Content Offerings, between France Micro-Credential and Content Providers, are governed by the relevant agreements between France Micro-Credential and the Content Providers.

How user content may be used by SCN and others

You grant France Micro-Credential a fully transferable, royalty-free, perpetual, sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to copy, distribute, modify, create derivative works, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise use your User Content to the extent that you provide it. Under this license, France Micro-Credential may allow Content Providers to use your User Content with registered students, on-campus students, or other learners not using the Services. Nothing in these Terms limits any other legal rights that France Micro-Credential may have with respect to User Content, including those arising from other licenses. We reserve the right to remove or modify any User Content for any reason, including if we believe it violates these Terms, the Acceptable Use Policy, or the Code of Conduct.


We welcome your ideas, opinions, and other feedback regarding the Services ("Feedback"). By providing any Feedback, you grant us the right to use it without restriction or compensation. Université Libérale de Paris, France Micro-Credential, or any partner university retains the right to use similar or related Feedback that was already known, developed by our staff or contractors, or obtained from other sources, even after accepting your feedback.


We prioritize the safety of our users. While France Micro-Credential takes all necessary measures to protect the security of your account and associated data, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized parties will never bypass our security measures. If you become aware of any compromise or unauthorized use of your account, please notify us immediately at support@paris-u.fr

Third Party Content

Through the Services, you may access and/or use content provided by instructors, other users, and/or third parties, as well as links to websites and services operated by third parties. France Micro-Credential makes no guarantees that any third-party information available through the Services or elsewhere will be free from offensive, inappropriate, or harmful content, including malware or other contaminants that could harm your computer, mobile device, or files. France Micro-Credential expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for your access to, use of, or inability to access or use such third-party content.

Research in education

France Micro-Credential is committed to advancing the science of teaching and learning and may use data about your course participation for educational research purposes. During this research, you may encounter various Content Offerings. Research findings are typically presented in aggregate form, and your identity will not be disclosed publicly without your explicit consent.

Services for a Fee from Swiss Micro Credential

For a fee, France Micro-Credential provides paid services (such as course certificates for specific courses). All fees are listed in Pounds unless otherwise specified. You are responsible for promptly paying any fees and applicable taxes using a payment method linked to the relevant paid services. If your payment method is declined or your account becomes overdue, we may employ various collection methods to recover the fees. Fees may vary based on your location and other factors, and France Micro-Credential reserves the right to modify fees at any time at its sole discretion. Any changes will take effect immediately after being posted through the applicable services. Refunds for paid services may be available as outlined in our Refund Policy below.

Programs for degrees and academic certificates

You may have the option to use the Services to enroll in programs and Degree programs offered by our Content Providers on the France Micro-Credential platform. These programs are provided online by our content suppliers, who set the entry requirements, refund policies, and graduation or completion criteria. Nothing in these Terms will override any institutional policies established by our Content Providers for these programs (such as student conduct codes); these policies will supplement these Terms, and in the event of a conflict between them and these Terms, the Content Provider's policies will take precedence. Depending on the program, France Micro-Credential or one of our Content Providers may handle tuition and fee payments for these courses. If your payment method is declined or your account becomes overdue, we or our Content Providers reserve the right to use legal methods to recover tuition and fees. Tuition and fees may vary based on your location and other factors, and France Micro-Credential and its Content Providers reserve the right to adjust tuition and fees for future semesters or payment periods at their sole discretion. Refunds for paid services may be available as outlined in our Refund Policy below. We encourage you to carefully evaluate whether the tuition and associated costs of the Content Offerings align with your career and financial goals. Each state, country, and organization may have different requirements for professional licensure, certification, and job qualifications. France Micro-Credential does not guarantee that completion of a Content Offering will result in licensure, certification, or qualification for any profession or position. You are advised to verify that the Content Offering you plan to enroll in meets your academic or professional needs, as well as to research, understand, and comply with the laws and regulations of the state or country where you work or intend to work.

Changing or discontinuing our services

Our services are continuously updated and improved. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may change requirements, add or remove features, or suspend (or fully terminate) some of our Services. As a result, France Micro-Credential reserves the right to stop your use of any Service at any time. If you discontinue a premium service, you may be eligible for a refund under our refund policy. Due to various factors, such as export control regulations or government restrictions on internet access, we may not be able to provide Services in certain regions or countries. France Micro-Credential, its content providers, instructors, contributors, sponsors, and other business partners (collectively, the "France Micro-Credential Parties") will not be held liable for such restrictions. While we will regret your departure, you are free to stop using our services at any time.

Export Regulations

You guarantee that neither your current location nor your place of residence is subject to any laws or restrictions that prevent France Micro-Credential from providing you with access to the Services under applicable Swiss law. Your physical location is where you are situated, and it is strictly prohibited to use a virtual private network (VPN), IP routing services, or similar methods to bypass these restrictions. You represent that your name does not appear on any government sanctions, debarment, or exclusion lists (collectively, "Sanctions Lists"), export control-related restricted party lists, or lists of forbidden, denied, or unverified parties. If your name is added to any Sanctions List, you will immediately cease using the Services. Additionally, you guarantee that you will not export, re-export, transfer, or use the Services in violation of any laws with respect to any entity listed on a Sanctions List. If you violate any conditions in this section, France Micro-Credential reserves the right to immediately terminate all obligations to you, despite anything to the contrary in these Terms.


By using the Services or attempting to use them in violation of these Terms, violating any law or the rights of any third party, or using User Content (including, without limitation, any claim of infringement), you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the France Micro-Credential Parties harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, and damages (to the extent that they are attributable to you under applicable law).

Waiver of Class Actions and Binding Arbitration

You and France Micro-Credential agree to submit any and all disputes, claims, or controversies, whether based on statute, rule, constitution, common law, equity, or any other legal basis or theory, and whether pre-existing, present, or future, that arise out of or relate to our Services, these Terms, and/or any other relationship or dispute between you and us, to final and binding arbitration in accordance with the current version of France Law, as amended. This includes, without limitation, any disputes concerning the scope, applicability, or operation of the Services. If you initiate arbitration, you agree to pay a $200 filing fee (or any other amount specified by the Rules), and we agree to cover the remaining filing fee and any further deposits required to begin the arbitration process. We will cover the costs of the arbitration hearing, including the arbitrator’s fees, but each party is responsible for its own legal fees, expert costs, and travel expenses unless otherwise specified by the Rules or relevant law. Any arbitration we initiate will be entirely covered by us. All claims will be resolved by a single, neutral arbitrator selected according to the Rules. The arbitrator must be a retired judge or a practicing attorney in good standing with any French bar, with at least five years of legal practice. The arbitrator must respect legal claims of privilege. The arbitration will take place in the federal judicial district where you reside, and you will have the opportunity to participate and be heard. The arbitrator’s decision will be final and enforceable in any court with jurisdiction, and it will bind both parties. Both you and we agree to keep the arbitration confidential, meaning no details of the arbitration (including pleadings, briefs, testimony, or awards) will be disclosed to third parties unless required in legal proceedings or by law. Neither you nor France Micro-Credential may represent a class of claimants or participate in a class action as part of any Claim. Arbitration cannot occur on a class-wide or representative basis. The arbitrator may only resolve individual Claims between you and France Micro-Credential and is not permitted to join or consolidate claims from other individuals. This arbitration will not follow the Supplementary Rules for Class Arbitrations. This arbitration provision, and the laws governing the arbitration process, are subject to the laws of France, irrespective of any applicable state laws. However, you or we may still file claims with government agencies, and claims eligible for small claims court can proceed individually. The right to seek provisional relief (such as pre-arbitral attachments or injunctions) remains open to both parties, without it being seen as a waiver of the right to arbitrate. If a court finds any part of this binding arbitration and class action waiver section unenforceable (except for the prohibition of class-based arbitration), the remaining provisions will still be enforceable. Any waiver of the terms in this section must be in writing and signed by the waiving party to be valid. THIS BINDING ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER SECTION LIMITS CERTAIN RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO A COURT ACTION, JURY TRIAL, AND PARTICIPATION IN A CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE CLAIM, AS WELL AS LIMITING DISCOVERY EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY THE RULES. ADR MAY ALSO LIMIT THE RECOVERY OF CERTAIN RIGHTS AVAILABLE IN COURT.

Changes to the Terms

We reserve the right to modify the Terms at any time, at our sole discretion. Any changes to the Terms will become effective immediately upon posting. We will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify you of significant changes to the Terms via a notice on the website, email, or other communication methods. Your continued use of the Services after any modifications are posted, whether or not you receive notice, signifies your legally binding acceptance of the updated Terms.

Suspension; Waiver

If any specific provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the rest of the Terms will remain in effect. If you violate these Terms and we do not take immediate action, it does not mean that we are waiving any of our rights, including the right to take action in the future.

Content Creators

As third-party beneficiaries of the Terms, our Content Creators and Integrated Service Providers may enforce the sections of the Terms that apply to them.
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